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Biennial 2018

NAES Biennial Conference 2018


We invite you to join us and hundreds of your Episcopal school colleagues at Biennial Conference 2018, taking place November 7–9 in Atlanta, Georgia.

As NAES embarks on a new initiative to foster greater diversity and inclusion in Episcopal schools, join us in the birth place of The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., as we examine together the ways that we all can learn to do right; seek justice and defend the oppressed. Whatever role you play in the world of Episcopal schools—whether a head of school or program director, an administrator, a chaplain, a rector, a teacher, or any one of the plethora of personnel that make our schools so exceptional—you’ll be both pleased and rewarded to join like-minded colleagues for three invigorating days of learning, worship, and collaboration on this very important topic. For more information about the conference visit

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