St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
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Our History: More than 100 years of serving Christ in the Las Cruces community! St. Andrew’s celebrated its centennial in 2014, marking a century of Christian service to our local and global community. The Episcopal Church came to the Mesilla Valley in New Mexico in 1875 when the St. James' mission was established in Mesilla Park. In 1905, the Rev. Hunter Lewis, more informally known as “Preacher Lewis,” was called to St. James' Church. He was passionate about establishing missions up and down the Rio Grande Valley. One of those missions was St. Andrew’s. The cornerstone of St. Andrew’s was laid on November 30, 1913, and it was organized as a mission on April 15, 1914. The original building still stands and is known as Kendrick Chapel, named after Bishop Kendrick. The present church was built in 1962 with a “Gathering Space” added in 2001 under the then rector, Fr. Jim Galbraith. The Rev. Canon Scott Ruthven, DD, was called to St. Andrew’s in August of 2003 and served as Rector for 17 years. Currently, we have an Interim Rector, the Rev. Jan Hosea, who will be in place until the parish has completed the search process.
Our Vision: “Digging Deep Wells So Others May Drink” is about being the Church. It is about mission and ministry inside and definitely outside the walls of St. Andrew’s. Digging Deep Wells is about helping each other live as vibrant Christians in a culture where followers of Christ are sometimes indistinguishable from other people. Digging Deep Wells is about supporting our parishioners in their daily living to transform their everyday arenas into opportunities for mission and ministry.
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Volunteer opportunities
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The layperson’s ministry is not a matter of increased busyness in parishes…Our ministry is our lives, our total lives. —Edmund Fuller, novelist and critic Ministry and mission can and do happen in our daily lives. In our society today, we have separated our daily life and work from our spirituality. This is not what Jesus intended and it is not how Christians have always operated. In the early church, how we acted in our daily lives and interactions with others defined us as Christians. The ministry of daily life is about living in the Word, walking the path with Jesus whether we’re behind a desk, at the construction site, setting up our tee, or pushing our grocery cart down the frozen food aisle. This also isn’t just a call to talk about the Gospel. It can be how we act, without words, how we treat others – even those we might only meet in passing as we go through our daily routines. Or it can be more intentional. God is calling; are you listening?
Volunteer Information: As you leave through the doors of the Gathering Space at St. Andrew’s, the words “Servants’ Entrance” are above you. At the end of every Sunday service we pray for the courage to love and serve Jesus Christ with gladness and singleness of heart. What does that mean? It means we ask for the strength and guidance to answer the Great Commission. To follow in Jesus’ path is the goal of the church family. We are all ministers and missionaries in our daily life when we follow in the path of Jesus. However, ministry does not have to mean that you join a group. Ministry and mission can happen in all aspects of our daily lives – at work, in our homes, with our friends, at the golf course, or at the grocery store. If you are interested in the everyday ministry – being a part of the Jesus Movement! – visit our webpage on the Ministry of Daily Life . Go to to see the list of volunteer programs.
518 N Alameda Blvd
Las Cruces, NM 88005-2540
United States