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Cruzando Fronteras

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A new vision for border ministry...helping families to find their way.

Jesus calls us to live into a "borderlands spirituality" which straddles the frontier between the Kingdom of God made real and the Kingdom yet to come. Cruzando Fronteras (CF) is the vision of Lutherans and Episcopalians, prompted by our bishop's call to explore a new model for ministry following previous work of Episcopal Border Ministry.

Five points of Cruzando Fronteras ministries:

•  Pray and take action with those involved in global mission along the Arizona/Sonora Corridor.

•  Advocate for humanitarian treatment of migrants, refugees, detainees and all who live along the border.

•  Promote comprehensive immigration reform.

•  Collaborate with Lutheran and Anglican communities in Mexico, Latin America and around the world.

•  Develop Latino/Hispanic congregations in the region.

News about Cruzando Fronteras

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Cruzando Fronteras, Phoenix, AZ

Providing access in partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development

The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona's border ministry Cruzando Fronteras received support from Episcopal Relief & Development in response to new needs created by COVID-19.
