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The Episcopal Church responds to the New Mexico wildfires


The Hermit’s Peak/ Calf Canyon Fire began as two separate fires and merged into the largest fire in New Mexico’s history. Thousands of people from Santa Fe, San Miguel, Mora, Colfax, and Taos counties have been displaced. Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Diocese of Rio Grande to provide direct assistance to those affected by the fires.

St. James in Taos initially contributed funds to gas cards and laundry vouchers for evacuees, and utilized their commercial kitchen to provide direct food service to evacuees and to New Mexico National Guard members, and other first responders. In partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development through the Episcopal Diocese of Rio Grande, the church was able to provide direct assistance to people in need. Often, when people are displaced, their mail doesn't get redirected right away. This means some checks in the mail were lost or delayed. The church was able to carry the burden.