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Diocese of Idaho

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About Diocese of Idaho

The Episcopal Diocese of Idaho welcomes you in the name of Jesus Christ.  The diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America has jurisdiction over Idaho south of the Salmon River. It also includes one congregation in Alta, Wyoming.  The diocese is in Province VIII and its cathedralSt. Michael's Cathedral, is in Boise, as are the Diocesan Offices.  It consists of 30 congregations and nearly 5,000 members.  Our current Bishop is Jos Therakan.

We are a welcoming and affirming group of local Christian communities who are united with the The Episcopal Church, a province of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and a part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.   Our congregations embrace all children of God, respecting the dignity of every human being.  In that spirit, we seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.   We are a community of advocates who strive for justice and peace among all people. 

We pray that you will be inspired to learn more about the Episcopal Church.  Our lives are made rich by the people in our congregations and in our communities, including those of other faiths and belief systems, orientations, ethnicities, and identifications.  Our message to you is simple, but heartfelt: 

God Loves You.  No Exceptions.

We welcome you to walk with us and worship with us. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!


Diocese of Idaho official website

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Paradise Point Camp, McCall, ID

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Paradise Point Camp                                             
